Can Your Bluetooth Device Be Hacked?

Bluetooth is a wireless communication protocol that enables transfer of photos, files and docs in low peripheral devices like smartphones over a short distance. It has simplified how we exchange data. Unfortunately, as Bluetooth continues to evolve, there are concerns about security threats.

Hackers and scammers are finding ways of exploiting Bluetooth Communications. They set up specialized software that looks for
vulnerable devices with an active Bluetooth connection. This is common especially in busy areas such as shopping malls or busy transit stations like subways.

This article is about Bluetooth hacking, the impact and prevention.

Screen showing hacked spelt out and an individual(Pixabay)

It used to be, hacking was mainly associated with computers or computer networks. Now, your Bluetooth can also be hacked.

This is one of the main disadvantages of Bluetooth. Hackers use different technique to leverage and compromise your data via Bluetooth. These techniques have a wide variety of colorful names such as Bluejacking, Bluesnarfing, Bluebugging, and Btlejacking.

The intention of the hackers is to steal data from your personal device. While not probable, it is technically possible that through your Bluetooth, hackers can steal your personal files, contacts, pictures or even use your phone to make calls using the internet. They can even clone your phone to prevent you from sending messages to other

Hackers can also use Bluetooth to track your location. How do they do this? They only need two things:
a unique device identifier and a device that constantly uses Bluetooth. Each device that uses Bluetooth
uses a unique number when exchanging information. This unique number can be viewed as the device
address. Most devices change this address when a connection is re-established or when they run out of
battery. However, devices like fitness trackers use the same address no matter what.

Types of Bluetooth Related Threats and Attacks

1. Bluejacking

Bluejacking is the sending of anonymous messages to nearby Bluetooth devices within a particular
range.. Attackers often use texts but the y can also use images and sounds. Although Bluejacking is
relatively harmless, who wants to receive unsolicited messages?

2. Bluesnarfing

Bluesnarfing refers to the unauthorized access to information from a wireless device through Bluetooth.
Attackers can access information such as your contact list, email, text messages and so on.
Both Bluejacking and Bluesnarfing exploit Bluetooth connections without the knowledge of the user.
Unlike Blujacking which is harmless because it only transmits data to the target device, Bluesnarfing
involves theft of information from the target device.

3. Bluebugging

Bluebugging is more complicated than Bluejacking and Bluesnarfing. Bluebugging allows hackers to
make calls, send text messages, and access your personal information and internet using your Bluetooth
connection. It occurs when you unknowingly set the Bluetooth to discoverable mode. In a nutshell
Bluebugging allows hackers to take over your phone. They can even alter your contact list or check your
call list to know who you call.

4. Btlejacking

Btlejacking is a new type of Bluetooth attack. This new technique allows attackers to jam any type of
Bluetooth Low Energy device. It affects BLE devices with versions 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 and 5. For Btlejacking
technique to work, the attacker has to be within 5 meters.
When you turn on and set your Bluetooth to discoverable, other devices within your range can connect
to it. This makes it susceptible to hackers. Turning off this feature can keep it safe from a possible attack.

Types of Bluetooth Hacking Software

There are various hacks and software hackers use to hack Bluetooth. These software can hack Bluetooth
devices without the knowledge of the user. Let’s look at some of these software.

  1. Super Bluetooth Hack 1.08
    This software controls and reads information from a remote phone using Bluetooth or infra. It stores
    phone lists and texts in HTML format. It also displays information about the user’s battery, sim card and
  2. Blue Scanner
    Hackers use this software to spy on nearby Bluetooth devices. The software search for Bluetooth
    enabled devices and extracts as much information as possible.
  3. Blue Sniff
    Blues Sniff software operates on Linux. It’s used to find discoverable and hidden Bluetooth-enabled
  4. BlueBugger
    The BlueBugger software exploits the BlueBug vulnerability of Bluetooth enabled devices. The BlueBug is
    the name of Bluetooth security holes. When hackers explore these vulnerabilities, they can access vital
    information in your device.
  5. BT Browser

BT Browser is an app that can browse and explore the technical specification of nearby Bluetooth
enabled devices. Hackers use it to brows device information and supported profiles of each Bluetooth
enabled device.

BT Crawler
BT Crawler is a scanner for Windows Mobile Based devices. It scans nearby devices and performs service
query. It is used for both Bluejacking and Bluesnarfiing.
Disclaimer: I have listed these software for your information and knowledge purpose only. Don’t use
them to hack in to your friend’s Bluetooth enabled device.

How Can You Protect Your Device from Bluetooth Hacking?

Image showing security (Pexels)

Protecting your device against hackers calls for user awareness and vigilance. The best way to protect
your Bluetooth enabled devices from attacks is to simply turn Bluetooth off. It is impossible your device
to get hacked by Bluetooth if Bluetooth is turned off. If you must enable Bluetooth, you can set the
device to be hidden. Setting the device to invisible will still allow Bluetooth to function but only with
trusted devices that been configured before. This protection is not enough. Hackers can still use trusted
devices to connect to the target phone.
When using a Bluetooth device, it is important to follow the following precautions to avoid Bluetooth

Update all Software and Passwords
The discovery of new Bluetooth vulnerabilities has made manufacturers to release updates to deal with
these issues. Make sure that you update and change your Bluetooth password regularly to take
advantage of product improvements and security fixes. It’s recommended not to use the non-
supported Bluetooth enabled modules such as Bluetooth 1.0 and 1.2. They have limited security

Turn Bluetooth off When not Using
Only turn on your Bluetooth when you need it. When your Bluetooth is invisible, it makes it challenging
for hackers to discover your device. If hackers can’t discover your device, then they can’t steal your data.

Avoid Using Public Wi-Fi Networks
Public Wi-Fi networks are insecure. Disable automatic connections to prevent your device from
connecting to untrustworthy networks without your knowledge.

Consider a Virtual Protected Network (VPN)
VPNs offer a secure way of connecting.

Change Your Bluetooth Pin Monthly
Make it a habit to change your Bluetooth personal Identification Number (PIN ) every month or so.
Changing your PIN will force you to re- pair all the devices you’ve constantly been using. This makes it
difficult for hackers. It is also important to change the default PIN, before you start using your Bluetooth
enabled devices.

Only Pair with Known Bluetooth Devices
Make sure that you know the Bluetooth devices you are pairing. The unknown source you are pairing
with might be a hacker.

Do Your Research Before Buying a Bluetooth Enabled Device
It is important to check out the security measures the device has. Choose devices with added security
features. In addition, find out what their reputation for security is.

dGet Applications That protect Your Device Against Hacking
There are many Applications that offer protection against hacking. These Android applications are
available in Play store. They include:

  • Bluetooth Firewall: This app protects Android devices against all types of attacks from nearby
    devices. It displays alerts of all the Bluetooth activities taking place. You can also use the app to
    detect devices with Bluetooth capabilities.
  • Bluetooth File Transfer: This app offers security management for incoming Bluetooth
    connections. It only allows authorized users to connect. This prevents any hackers from
    accessing your personal data and files.
    How Safe Is Bluetooth?
    The Bluetooth security threats discussed above could make you wonder if Bluetooth is safe. Although
    there are many vulnerabilities, hacking Bluetooth is not common in real life. Why?
  • To exploit your Bluetooth connection, a hacker has to be in close proximity, Bluetooth has a
    range of 300 feet for Class 1 Bluetooth devices and a range of 30 feet for Class 2 Bluetooth
    devices. Moving out of this range loses the connection or makes it weaker.
  • Bluetooth hacking difficulty is described as intermediate. This means that wannabe hackers will
    find it difficult to hack Bluetooth. To hack Bluetooth, you need advanced technical knowledge,
    resources, special equipment and even money.
  • The results might not be fruitful. When your phone gets hacked, the hacker might retrieve a lot
    of information. However, they can’t get much information when sniffing the traffic between
    your wireless speaker and Spotify.

Wrap Up

If a hacker gets into your Bluetooth enabled device, they can retrieve tons of private information. They
can use this information to blackmail you or even hack into your bank account. The precaution
measures discussed in this article guarantee you protection from hackers. Follow them to ensure safety
of your private information. Always update the Bluetooth version you are using because hackers always
find new ways of exploiting this technology. This brings us to the end of our article. I hope you now have
a better understanding of these concepts. Keep it here for related content.

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Bill David