When it comes to connecting your computer or your phone to additional devices, you will find you have a variety of methods for wireless communications. However, once you peel back the covers a bit, you’ll find that Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are basically two mainstream protocols and both are critical to keeping our devices connected. While each of these protocols come out of the same IEEE 802.11 standard each serves a different purpose.
Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are often complementary to each other but what is the difference between these two technologies? What do these terms actually mean?
The main difference is in their purpose. Bluetooth is used to connect devices near each other to share data while Wi-Fi enables internet connection.
Read on to learn everything you need know about Bluetooth and Wi-Fi and how they differ. To better understand how they differ; it is essential to define how Wi-Fi and Bluetooth work in detail.
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Wi-Fi Explained in Summary
In summary, similar to Bluetooth, Wi-Fi is a method of wireless communication between devices, but it is used to connect devices like your phone, computer or printer to a local network or the Internet. Depending on the device, it can have a range of up to 10 times that of Bluetooth. Similarly, it can also be used to broadcast out a signal to multiple devices at once as opposed to Bluetooth where the connection is much more private and limited between just two devices.
Wi-Fi Definition and Meaning
Wi-Fi is the latest buzzword in town. Every restaurant now claims that they have free Wi-Fi. You probably have a friend or neighbor who asks for your Wi-Fi password. Some people think Wi-Fi is another term for internet but that is not true. Another common misconception in the tech world is that Wi-Fi is an acronym for “Wireless Fidelity”. This is not true. Wi-Fi is a trademarked phrase that means IEEE 8.2.11Xx. It is a trademark of the Wi-Fi alliance. Wi-Fi Alliance is an international association of companies involved in wireless technologies and products. So, what is Wi-Fi?
What is Wi-fi?

Wi-Fi is a wireless networking protocol that is used to connect your devices to the internet and share network resources. It uses radio waves to transfer data at a high speed over short distances. To use Wi-Fi, you have to enter a password and then connect to a Local Area Network (LAN). This means that you connect to the internet without connecting your device to a cable outlet or phone line.
How Does Wi-Fi Work?
The main requirement for Wi-Fi is a device that transmits or receives wireless signals such as a router, a phone or computer. Instead of using wired connection such as Ethernet, Wi-Fi breaks signals into pieces and transmits these fragments over multiple radio frequencies: at 2.4GHz and 5GHz. This allows connecting multiple devices on the same Wi-Fi transmitter. The Wi-Fi router transforms the internet signals from the router into radio signals. Your device then transforms the radio signal into an internet signal. This allows you to have a wireless internet connection.
If you don’t have a router, you can set up a computer or Wi-Fi hotspot to share a wired internet connection with other devices. Your phone or computer work similarly to the router. No matter the source of the connection, Wi-Fi is still a wireless signal that allows other devices to connect to the main transmitter for entertainment, communication, file transfer, or other data transmission.
In this digital era, most of the devices we use have a Wi-Fi receiver. Any device that has a Wi-Fi symbol can connect to the internet wirelessly. If you see the symbol in place you visit such as restaurants, airports, and café, it means that you can access the internet over their Wi-Fi.
Wi-Fi Range
The typical range of a Wi-Fi network is 100 meters in the open air. However, buildings and other material affect the strength of a Wi-Fi signal. The antenna and frequency can also affect the range of the network. A higher frequency like 5GHz has a shorter effective range than 2.4GHZ. Everyone within the network’s range can detect and connect to the network. This is why it operates in both public and private settings. However, it raises security concerns. To be safe, have a password to restrict the people using your network.
What Devices Use Wi-Fi?
The use cases for Wi-Fi are near infinite. Most smart devices have Wi-Fi connectivity. Typically, all modern smartphones support Wi-Fi, as do laptops, tablets and even desktops. Internet of Things (IOT) devices like smart fridges and cameras use Wi-Fi. There are also Wi-Fi scanners, printers, games consoles, home networks, PDAs, operating systems, cars, and other types of consumer electronics.
Is Wi-Fi Free?
Some restaurants, hotels and libraries offer free Wi-Fi access. However, Wi-Fi is not always free. This is because, for Wi-Fi to work, the router must have an internet connection which is not free.
What is a Wireless Access Point?
A wireless Access Point (AP) allows wireless devices to connect to a wireless network. A wireless Access point is like the amplifier of your home stereo. An access point stretches the bandwidth so that many devices can connect to the network from further away. On the other hand, a wireless Access point also provides useful data about the devices on the network and proactive security.
Advantages of Using Wi-Fi
There are many benefits of using Wi-Fi over a wired connection. These advantages include:
- Convenience: You can connect to a Wi-Fi anytime you locate a Wi-Fi signal. You can access the internet even outside your normal working environment. This convenience is not present in wired networks.
- Productivity: In business, employees become more productive because they can complete tasks from any location. They don’t have to work from a specific location. Such work includes, email sending, bank transactions and so on.
- Expandability: A Wi-Fi network can serve a large number of people. It is easier to add ne users. In a wired network, you would require additional wiring.
- Cost: With a wireless network, you eliminate cost and labor of maintaining physical cables.
- Deployment: It is easy to install a Wi-Fi access point compared to a wired network. There is no complexity of knowing which switch belongs to which wire.
Disadvantages of Using Wi-Fi
A Wi-Fi network may not be desirable for the following reasons.
- Range: A Wi-Fi signal may not cover all the places you want. The range is limited to around 100 meters. While this is sufficient for your home, you can’t use it beyond this range.
- Security: Wireless signals can be easily intercepted because they travel through air. Public Wi-Fi networks are often open to hackers. You could easily be a victim of cyber-attack. However, you can use encryption technology to minimize this danger.
- Disruption: Buildings and other large objects can easily block a Wi-Fi signal.
- Reliability: Like any radio frequency, a Wi- Fi network can be the subject of interference or can be affected by factors beyond your control.
- Speed. The speed of a Wi-Fi connection is slower than a wired network especially if there is more than one device connected.
- Bandwidth: The Bandwidth of a Wi-Fi network gets weaker as you add more users. When the bandwidth gets weaker, you experience less speed.
Now that we’ve discussed Wi-Fi, let’s move on to Bluetooth…
Bluetooth Explained in Summary
Bluetooth is meant for wireless connections over short distances, around 30 feet or so depending on the device. This makes it ideal for wireless connections involving mobile devices that need to connect to other equipment such as a wireless speaker, printer or keyboard. In a way, Bluetooth is a one-to-one wireless connection that allows for direct communications without the use of a cord or other physical connection.
Bluetooth as a communications protocol has a wide variety of applications, but for the purpose of this blog we focus mostly on consumer electronics and wireless accessories you might connect to your phone or computer.
Bluetooth Definition and Meaning
In the simplest terms, Bluetooth is a wireless (radio wave) technology that allows short-range wireless communication between electronic devices. For instance, you can pair your iPhone with a Bluetooth speaker or with your Air pod. Unlike the traditional remote control which uses infrared spectrum, Bluetooth is a wireless connection that uses radio frequencies. In a nutshell, Bluetooth technology enables exchange of data between different devices over a short distance avoiding the need for dangerous and clumsy wires.
The difference between Bluetooth radio waves and the radio broadcast waves is the fact Bluetooth waves cover a short distance and are always switching frequencies. Most Bluetooth devices have connectivity range of about 10 meters. The presence of obstacles such as a wall reduces the strength of this connectivity. Besides, the power of the transmitter determines the range over which a Bluetooth device can operate. Bluetooth devices fall into three classes.
Class 1: They are the most powerful. They can operate up to 100m.
Class 2: They are the most common. They operate up to 10m.
Class 3: They are the least powerful. They don’t go much beyond 1m.
Electronic gadgets with Bluetooth have built in radio antennas which transmit and receive wireless signals from other devices. You can convert old gadgets to work with Bluetooth using plug-in adapters.
Is a Bluetooth Connection Secure?
Wireless communication is less secure compared to wired communication. However, a Bluetooth connection is safe and secure against hacking. This is because a Bluetooth connection operates on different frequencies. The devices connected hop between these frequencies every second. This is referred to as frequency hopping spread spectrum. This ensures that your devices cannot be hacked through the Bluetooth signal. Besides, Bluetooth signals don’t travel far and are thus safer than wireless networks that operate over longer ranges like Wi-Fi.
Bluetooth transmits radio waves in a band in 79 different frequencies centered on 2.45 GHz. These frequencies are reserved for use by scientific, industrial and medical gadgets. These frequencies are set apart from radio, cellphone and television frequencies.
What is Bluetooth used for?
As already mentioned, Bluetooth is mostly used to pair mobile devices to other devices. You could pair your car with your phone so that you can talk and drive safely, connect your digital camera to your computer, and connect your phone with your smart fridge and so on. Bluetooth also works with what you probably don’t know. Did you know that you can connect your printer or mouse to a computer via Bluetooth?
To connect two devices via Bluetooth, you first have to enable Bluetooth on both devices. Ensure that the devices that you want to pair are close to each other before you make a pairing request. The devices automatically detect and connect to each other. When two or more Bluetooth devices are connected and sharing information, they form a computer network called a piconet. When piconets join, they form a scatternet.
Advantages of Bluetooth
Here are some advantages of Bluetooth
- Bluetooth creates adhoc connection immediately. You only need to pair the two devices.
- You can make calls when driving using Bluetooth headphones.
- There is no interference from other wireless devices due to the use of the FHSS technology.
- It has a wider range than infrared communication.
- Bluetooth devices are relatively inexpensive when compared to other wireless devices
- Bluetooth is free to use if the other device is installed with Bluetooth
- Bluetooth is adopted in many products such as in car systems, head sets, GPS systems, keyboards and so on.
- Bluetooth devices are used for both file and voice transfer.
Disadvantages of Bluetooth
The following are the disadvantages of Bluetooth.
- Bluetooth has a low bandwidth as compared to Wi-Fi.
- Connected Bluetooth devices can easily lose connection.
- Bluetooth only allows short range connection between devices.
- Turning Bluetooth on is known to increase battery usage. However, there is a new technology known as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) used to enhance the battery life.
- The HomeRF technology also operates on the same frequency. It is possible for it to interfere with connectivity.
Key Differences between Bluetooth and Wi-Fi
- Bluetooth requires a low bandwidth compared to Wi-Fi.
- To connect two devices through Bluetooth, a device requires a Bluetooth adapter while to use Wi-Fi, you need a wireless adapter and router.
- It is easier to switch between devices in Bluetooth while it is complicated in Wi-Fi because it requires hardware and software configuration.
- The signal range in Bluetooth is 10 meters while a Wi-Fi signal covers 100 meters
- The frequency range that supports Bluetooth devices is 2.4 GHz and 2.483 GHz. On the other hand, the frequency range in Wi-Fi is 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.
- Bluetooth consumes less power than Wi-Fi.
- A Bluetooth connection is less secure. It uses encryption and authentication keys. On the contrary, a Wi-Fi connection is has better security. It uses WEP (Wired Equivalency Privacy) and WPS. (Wi- Fi Protected Access).
Is Bluetooth Better or Worse than Wi-Fi?
The way I see it, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are complementary technologies. They are not rivals fighting it out in the parking lot. You can use both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to make your electronic gadgets more convenient, connected and useful.
Wrap Up
Both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are similar in that they both enable wireless communication between various devices. Bluetooth enables short range transfer of information between different devices such as printers, telephones, modems and headset. On the other hand, Wi-Fi is better suited for operating full scale networks. It covers a long range and more users. This makes it a cost effective way of connecting to the internet.
In the end, you’re likely to make use of both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections and technologies in your day-to-day pursuits. Wi-Fi will be useful in connecting devices to your home network so that information can be shared across devices on the network. And Bluetooth will be used when you want to connect a single accessory (headset, printer, speaker, keyboard, mouse, or vehicle) to a single computer or smart phone.
Hope this helps and now you have a better understanding of the differences and similarities between Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Keep it here for related content.